IVS Analysis Report for R4867 ($18NOV08XE) This report is the official IVS analysis report that corresponds to the database maintained by the IVS Data Centers for this session. (Analyzed by Christopher Dieck, US Naval Observatory. Spoolfile source: interactive nuSolve analysis.) Problems: Four stations (FORTLEZA, HART15M, KOKEE, & MATERA) did not observe on the final schedule and are included in a separate session, r4867b. NYALES20 - Had no scans between scans 312-2308 and 313-0719a. Parameterization comments: - Reference clock station was set as WETTZELL. - Reference positions station was set as KATH12M. - The atmosphere constraints were raised from 75 ps/h to 170 ps/h to accommodate KATH12M. - Clock breaks were added as follows: YARRA12M 18/11/08 20:20 YARRA12M 18/11/09 00:10 YARRA12M 18/11/09 11:42 Other comments: - The WETTZ13N:WETTZELL baseline was not useful and was deselected. The vgosDb USNO analysis output is available at http://rorf.usno.navy.mil/pub/18NOV08XE.tgz ----------------------------------------- Session Statistics Observations: 3370 scheduled 996 correlated (in database) 962 recoverable (usable) 667 used Session fit: 37.269 ps ----------------------------------------- Station Performance Number of Observations Scheduled Recoverable* Used % of scheduled obs used AGGO 231 24 19 8.2% FORTLEZA 319 NOT CORR NOT CORR 0.0% HART15M 717 NOT CORR NOT CORR 0.0% KATH12M 648 357 336 51.9% KOKEE 499 NOT CORR NOT CORR 0.0% MATERA 934 NOT CORR NOT CORR 0.0% NYALES20 840 288 286 34.0% WETTZ13N 1011 466 192 19.0% WETTZELL 940 457 185 19.7% YARRA12M 601 332 316 52.6% --------------- --------- ----------- --------- ------ Station Total** 3370 962 667 19.8% * Recoverable: can be included in the solution. ** Total includes distinct observations only. MISSED: Station was scheduled, but it did not observe. NOT CORR: Station was scheduled but not correlated. NOT USED: Usable data was generated for this station, but the analyst rejected it all. ----------------------------------------- Source Performance Number of Observations Scheduled Correlated* Used % of scheduled obs used 1659-621 4 0 0 0.0% 1616+063 20 6 4 20.0% 1823+568 41 12 9 22.0% 0454-463 46 14 9 19.6% 0048-097 79 14 4 5.1% 0059+581 119 31 17 14.3% 0119+041 34 11 6 17.6% 0201+113 130 28 14 10.8% CTA26 37 16 12 32.4% 0402-362 32 10 10 31.2% 0454-234 79 19 17 21.5% 0530-727 7 3 2 28.6% 0602+673 17 10 7 41.2% 0718+793 41 15 9 22.0% 0727-115 124 27 22 17.7% 0804+499 5 4 3 60.0% 0823+033 48 7 5 10.4% 1034-293 28 13 11 39.3% 1057-797 52 15 12 23.1% 1101+384 11 2 0 0.0% 1104-445 24 19 18 75.0% 3C274 30 13 11 36.7% 1255-316 20 7 6 30.0% 1417+385 21 2 0 0.0% 1424-418 83 14 14 16.9% 1519-273 3 2 0 0.0% 1741-038 115 32 24 20.9% 3C371 203 55 31 15.3% 1921-293 17 12 12 70.6% 3C418 161 46 36 22.4% 2052-474 16 12 12 75.0% 2113+293 12 4 3 25.0% 2255-282 17 3 3 17.6% 0237-027 19 4 2 10.5% 0524+034 1 0 0 0.0% 0657+172 28 8 4 14.3% 1149-084 50 19 15 30.0% 1226+373 19 7 4 21.1% 1722+330 1 1 0 0.0% 1800+440 315 104 72 22.9% 1846+322 5 0 0 0.0% 2215+150 81 18 11 13.6% 2227-088 64 11 8 12.5% 2229+695 1 0 0 0.0% 2355-106 31 11 10 32.3% 0054+161 45 10 5 11.1% 0134+311 20 12 6 30.0% 0340+362 16 9 4 25.0% 0442+389 41 24 14 34.1% 0748+126 53 12 9 17.0% 0958+346 3 3 2 66.7% 1053+704 70 15 10 14.3% 1100+122 66 18 6 9.1% 1327+504 31 18 9 29.0% 1441+252 28 9 6 21.4% 1520+437 18 6 2 11.1% 1754+155 6 2 0 0.0% 2059+034 22 6 2 9.1% 2309+454 39 14 8 20.5% 0606-223 12 1 0 0.0% 1759-396 4 3 2 50.0% 0308-611 23 5 4 17.4% 1243-160 38 11 10 26.3% 1502+036 23 7 4 17.4% 1608+243 21 7 5 23.8% 1657-261 41 13 6 14.6% 2013+163 7 3 2 28.6% 0008-264 6 1 0 0.0% 0131-522 42 10 9 21.4% 0151+474 3 1 0 0.0% NRAO150 30 13 2 6.7% 0642+449 133 40 33 24.8% 0827+243 50 9 6 12.0% 0834-201 32 7 3 9.4% 1123+264 49 14 8 16.3% 1406-076 14 3 3 21.4% 1936-155 93 29 18 19.4% ------------ --------- ---------- ------ ------ Source Total 3370 996 667 19.8% * Correlated: included in database ----------------------------------------- Baseline Performance Number of Observations Scheduled Recoverable* Used % of scheduled obs used AGGO-FORTLEZA 82 NOT CORR NOT CORR 0.0% AGGO-HART15M 65 NOT CORR NOT CORR 0.0% AGGO-KATH12M 5 2 DESELECTED 0.0% AGGO-KOKEE 27 NOT CORR NOT CORR 0.0% AGGO-MATERA 19 NOT CORR NOT CORR 0.0% AGGO-NYALES20 6 1 DESELECTED 0.0% AGGO-WETTZ13N 14 11 11 78.6% AGGO-WETTZELL 9 8 8 88.9% AGGO-YARRA12M 4 2 DESELECTED 0.0% FORTLEZA-HART15M 75 NOT CORR NOT CORR 0.0% FORTLEZA-KATH12M 0 NOT CORR NOT CORR 0.0% FORTLEZA-KOKEE 10 NOT CORR NOT CORR 0.0% FORTLEZA-MATERA 47 NOT CORR NOT CORR 0.0% FORTLEZA-NYALES20 20 NOT CORR NOT CORR 0.0% FORTLEZA-WETTZ13N 43 NOT CORR NOT CORR 0.0% FORTLEZA-WETTZELL 36 NOT CORR NOT CORR 0.0% FORTLEZA-YARRA12M 6 NOT CORR NOT CORR 0.0% HART15M-KATH12M 74 NOT CORR NOT CORR 0.0% HART15M-KOKEE 0 NOT CORR NOT CORR 0.0% HART15M-MATERA 108 NOT CORR NOT CORR 0.0% HART15M-NYALES20 66 NOT CORR NOT CORR 0.0% HART15M-WETTZ13N 123 NOT CORR NOT CORR 0.0% HART15M-WETTZELL 113 NOT CORR NOT CORR 0.0% HART15M-YARRA12M 93 NOT CORR NOT CORR 0.0% KATH12M-KOKEE 122 NOT CORR NOT CORR 0.0% KATH12M-MATERA 45 NOT CORR NOT CORR 0.0% KATH12M-NYALES20 40 22 21 52.5% KATH12M-WETTZ13N 39 35 32 82.1% KATH12M-WETTZELL 36 33 30 83.3% KATH12M-YARRA12M 287 265 253 88.2% KOKEE-MATERA 59 NOT CORR NOT CORR 0.0% KOKEE-NYALES20 97 NOT CORR NOT CORR 0.0% KOKEE-WETTZ13N 52 NOT CORR NOT CORR 0.0% KOKEE-WETTZELL 55 NOT CORR NOT CORR 0.0% KOKEE-YARRA12M 77 NOT CORR NOT CORR 0.0% MATERA-NYALES20 182 NOT CORR NOT CORR 0.0% MATERA-WETTZ13N 228 NOT CORR NOT CORR 0.0% MATERA-WETTZELL 202 NOT CORR NOT CORR 0.0% MATERA-YARRA12M 44 NOT CORR NOT CORR 0.0% NYALES20-WETTZ13N 209 125 125 59.8% NYALES20-WETTZELL 190 124 124 65.3% NYALES20-YARRA12M 30 16 16 53.3% WETTZ13N-WETTZELL 271 269 DESELECTED 0.0% WETTZ13N-YARRA12M 32 26 24 75.0% WETTZELL-YARRA12M 28 23 23 82.1% ----------------- --------- ----------- ---------- ------ Baseline Total 3370 962 667 19.8% * Recoverable: can be included in the solution. MISSED: Baseline was scheduled, but at least one of the sites did not observe. NOT CORR: Baseline was scheduled but not correlated. NO DATA: The baseline's stations were both correlated, but they did not observe together. DESELECTED: Usable data was generated for the baseline, but the analyst rejected it.